- 販売業者
- 運営統括責任者名
- 田野倉 宏
- 郵便番号
- 226-0022
- 住所
- 神奈川県横浜市緑区青砥町305-5-102
- 商品代金以外の料金の説明
- 販売価格とは別に配送料、代引き手数料、振込手数料がかかる場合もございます。
- 申込有効期限
- 在庫時は随時用意してございます。万が一、在庫切れの場合は電話、メールにて連絡させていただきます。
- 不良品
- 速やかにお取替えさせていただきます。在庫がない場合、連絡のうえ、同等品と交換もしくはキャンセルとさせていただきます。
- 販売数量
- 各商品ページにてご確認ください。
- 引渡し時期
- 注文日より10日以内のお客様指定日に発送となります。ご指定がない場合、注文日より2日以内に発送いたします。
- お支払い方法
- 代金引換、銀行振込、クレジットを用意してございます。ご都合にあわせて、各種ご利用ください。
- お支払い期限
- 代金引換−商品引渡時、銀行振込−注文日より5日以内。
- 返品期限
- 商品到着後7日以内とさせていただきます。
- 返品送料
- お客様都合による返品につきましてはお客様のご負担とさせていただきます。誤品配送交換、不良品に該当する場合は当方で負担いたします。
- サービス名
- MAME・DESIGN株式会社 【 マメデザイン株式会社 】
- 電話番号
- 080-5956-2666
- ホームページアドレス
- http://mame-design.jp/
- 佐川急便またはクロネコヤマト
- 海外発送EMS(Overseas shipment)
1.Please order it by an email first.
2.Please write the name, a zip code, an address, a telephone for the email in detail.
3.I am in tune with the sale page with your postage as a product.
4.Please settle an account after choosing a product (the postage) by all means.
※ In the case of a remittance, you add 2,500 yen (fee in the bank of Japan) and bank charge and a tax to the last amount of money, and, please remit.
- Amazon Pay
- 商品代引
1.Please send the following information by an email.
[1] The name.
[2] A zip code.
[3] Your address that I can confirm in Google map.
[4] Phone number.
[5] The product which you want to purchase.
2.I measure weight and add the postage to a net shop.
3.You purchase a product and the postage in a net shop.
[1] Please refer to this.
[2] Only as for the credit card.
- 銀行振込(PayPay銀行)
1.Please send the following information by an email.
[1] The name.
[2] A zip code.
[3] Your address that I can confirm in Google map.
[4] Phone number.
[5] The product which you want to purchase.
2.I measure weight and add the postage to a net shop.
3.You purchase a product and the postage in a net shop.
[1] Please refer to this.
[2] Only as for the credit card.
- 海外送金(Remit from foreign countries)
1.Please order it by an email first.
2.Please write the name, a zip code, an address, a telephone for the email in detail.
3.I am in tune with the sale page with your postage as a product.
4.Please settle an account after choosing a product (the postage) by all means.
※ In the case of a remittance, you add 2,500 yen (fee in the bank of Japan) and bank charge and a tax to the last amount of money, and, please remit.
Name of the Bank:Mizuho Bank
Address of the bank:〒241-0022 2-20turugamine asahi-ku yokohama-shi kanagawa japan
Account number:1015743
Name of the accountant : Ken Ritsuno
Router Number : turugamine 550
Swift Cord : MHBKJPJT
- クレジット決済(Payment on the credit)

ご注意!クレジットでのお支払いは『 注文完了画面 』後となります。途中で終了されますと商品のご発送ができません。
1.Please send the following information by an email.
[1] The name.
[2] A zip code.
[3] Your address that I can confirm in Google map.
[4] Phone number.
[5] The product which you want to purchase.
2.I measure weight and add the postage to a net shop.
3.You purchase a product and the postage in a net shop.
[1] Please refer to this.
[2] Only as for the credit card.